Seminari: Rehabilitation and Re-use of the Modern Movement Architecture
Dates: 26-28 de març de 2015
Lloc: Lisboa
Created in 1988, docomomo International is a non-profit organization devoted to the DOcumentation and COnservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the MOdern MOvement. Through its numerous activities, docomomo aims to foster projects and research on modern architecture, bring its significance to the attention of the public, promote the surveying and documentation of twentieth century architectural heritage, encourage the development of appropriate techniques and methods of conservation and oppose destruction and disfigurement of significant works.
Since its creation, the organization has established itself as a major partner not only in the realms of documentation and conservation, but also in the broader field of architectural culture. Its pluralist, interdisciplinary dimension, which has brought together historians, architects, town–planners, landscape architects, preservationists, students, professors and public officials, is a strong asset.
Today it includes seventy national and regional chapters and more than 2000 members worldwide.