ICROM: Course on Conservation of Built Heritage 2014 (CBH14)
Dates: 28 February – 30 April 2014
Lloc: Rome, Italy
Inscripció: 900€ (veure web)
ICCROM is pleased to announce the fifth training course on Conservation of Built Heritage in Rome. ICCROM has been a pioneer in organizing courses in heritage conservation since 1965 including the Architectural Conservation Course (ARC) and many other regular courses and most recently the course on Conservation of Built Heritage for four consecutive intervals since 2007. In designing this course, ICCROM has drawn from this experience, evaluation results and considered the most recent international trends and thinking related to conservation of the built heritage, including buildings, sites, historic centres and cultural landscapes.
The course aims at serving a wide range of conservation practitioners and decision makers by placing technical issues within the broader conservation context in order to link them to planning and management concerns. The first part of the course will consist of an overview of the current practices of defining heritage, evolution of different concepts and key approaches currently used in built heritage conservation. The second part of the course will focus on the planning and management issues pertaining to the conservation decision making process. The third part of the course will focus more closely on technical issues including documentation, conditions assessments and various treatments plus interpretation and public access. The final week of the course may be devoted to one-week seminar looking at management practices at cultural and natural heritage sites, assessing similarities and differences, as well as trying to develop ways for better collaboration in the future between cultural and natural heritage professionals.