SOStierra2017. Call for abstracts
Universitat Politècnica de València and Instituto de Restauración del Patrimonio have the pleasure to invite you to participate on the Vernacular Earthen Architecture, Conservation and Sustainability International Conference SOStierra2017 | 3rd VerSus | 3rd ResTAPIA, which will take place in Valencia, Spain, from the 14th to the 16th of September 2017.
Abstracts can be submitted until the 1st of October 2017, at
Abstract structure and example of abstract format are available at:
The Organizing Committee of SOStierra2017 | 3rd VerSus | 3rd ResTAPIA is pleased to inform that CRC/Balkema, Taylor & Francis group will publish the proceedings of the International Conference.
ICOMOS-ISCEAH. International Council on Monuments and Sites – International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage
ICOMOS-CIAV. International Council on Monuments and Sites – International Committee of Vernacular Architecture
ICOMOS-ISCARSAH. International Council on Monuments and Sites – International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage
Chair UNESCO. Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures & Sustainable Development
PROTERRA. Iberian-American Network on Earthen Architecture and Construction
Topic 1: Vernacular earthen architecture.
Topic 2: Rehabilitation of vernacular earthen architecture.
Topic 3: Contemporary earthen architecture.
Topic 4: Restoration of monumental earthen architecture. 3rd ResTapia (International Conference on Rammed Earth Conservation).
Topic 5: Lessons from vernacular heritage for a sustainable contemporary architecture. 3rd VerSus (International Conference on Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture).
Topic 6: Structural analysis of vernacular architecture.
– To enhance the disciplinary scope and the state of the art of vernacular and earthen architecture research;
– To have a relevant contribution to knowledge regarding materials & constructive techniques, cultural heritage & building cultures, territory & environmental adaptation, energy efficiency & sustainable design, natural hazards & risk mitigation, education & research focus;
– To encourage academic and scientific research collaboration on vernacular and earthen architecture, while contributing to the improvement of the built environment.
– To contribute to sustainable development at national and international levels.
– To strength the exchange and discussion concerning the achievements learnt on the disciplinary area;
– To contribute to the reflection regarding the future for vernacular and earthen architecture in today’s world of rapid global change.
– To discuss internationally, the research focus needed to strengthen the scientific area;
– To establish methods and strategies to meet to respond to nowadays challenges.
Language for abstracts and papers: English
Languages for oral presentation: English and Spanish
Information available at: